
Helpful Winter Skin Care Tips

Survive the elements this Winter with our helpful Winter skin care tips 

Here are a few tips to survive the elements both indoors and out:

Avoid Long Showers and Baths

Nothing feels better on a cold day then a long, steamy, hot bath. But long exposure to hot water can further dehydrate your skin by stripping the oils from the surface. So, keep them short and on the cooler side, if possible. Use only moisturising bubble baths, soaps or shower gels, preferably those containing moisturising ingredients like Aloe Vera.

Top Tip: Don’t rub your skin dry—pat it down with a soft, fluffy towel. Rubbing your skin can be too harsh and lead to flaky skin on the surface.

Double Down On Moisturiser

Double down and be incredibly diligent with your moisturising products. You many also need to reapply throughout the day. Remember to apply, apply and reapply to keep skin hydrated and elastic.

Top Tip: Always apply your moisturising products immediately after your shower or bath when your skin is still damp. Look for skin moisturising ingredients like Aloe, Shea butter, olive and coconut oils.

Drink Up

No matter what, it’s important to stay hydrated 365 days a year. Water, tea and other hydration drinks are great for the entire body. Our bodies need water and it’s important to avoid dehydration at all costs. So, drink up.

Top Tip:
 Add a squeeze of fresh lemon, lime or orange juice to your water. It’ll taste better, and citrus fruits are known for containing vitamins.

Winter couple

Love Your Lips

Boy, oh boy, do our lips suffer in the wintertime. The most important thing you can do is to apply an emollient lip balm to moisturise and soften the delicate skin of your lips. Choose a product with SPF protection for daytime use. And remember to reapply throughout the day and especially at bedtime.

Top Tip: Be sure to exfoliate the skin on your lips. This will help remove the dead and dry skin, leaving them looking and feeling soft and smooth.

Put the Moisture Back into Your Home

You can add moisture back into the air in your home by using a humidifier or two. There are many humidifiers to choose from, including small personal humidifiers that you can keep on your nightstand or desk at work.

Top Tip: If you don’t have a humidifier, heat a large pot of water on your stovetop and let it simmer throughout the day.

Take Advantage of the Night

At night and before bed, slather on your favourite hand cream, and be sure to rub it into your cuticles and elbows, too. Do the same with your feet. Cover your feet with a pair of cotton socks and sleep well.

Top Tip:
 Keep hand cream next to every sink in your house and office, and make sure to apply after you wash your hands every single time.

Reach for a Non-Fragrant Dryer Sheet

The quickest way to tame static in your hair and your clothing is with a dryer sheet. Swipe one quickly across your hair and the flyways will immediately calm down. A quick swipe on your clinging dress with your favourite dryer sheet and no more static cling!

Top Tip: Keep a dryer sheet in your handbag, gym bag or even in your glove compartment.

Source: HerbalifeBlog


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Healthy Skin Care for Teens

by Jacquie Carter

Healthy skin promotes self-esteem.

There’s no better time than the present for teenagers to learn about healthy skin care practices.

Skin care isn’t something that can be neglected. It needs to be part of your daily routine. It needs to be part of your daily routine. It is something that should be as common and important as taking a shower and brushing your teeth. As adults, we tend to recognize and understand the importance of cleansing, moisturizing, treating and protecting our skin. However, have you taken the time to explain the importance of healthy skin care practices to your teenagers? If not, then there is no time like the present.

Related Article: Shaving Tips Trivia for Men and Women

Many teens struggle with skin conditions that are totally influenced by their hormones. They tend to have oily skin and experience blemishes and breakouts. Educating your teens on the basics of a healthy skin care regimen and other daily practices can have lifelong effects. Think about it – did anyone every sit you down and explain the basic how-to’s of taking care of your skin? Well, if not, let’s make sure that you do it for your children. Being a teenager is challenging enough and unfortunately, so much of their self-esteem is directly related to their appearance. Let’s take a diligent approach to teaching the basics so they too can reap the rewards of healthy, youthful looking skin. Here are a few healthy skin care tips just for teens:

Use a Facial Cleanser, Not an Ordinary Bar Soap

Teens must understand the importance of washing their face every morning and every evening before bedtime. Cleansing helps remove excess oils from the surface, along with dirt, makeup and other pore-clogging debris. Cleansing the skin is non-negotiable! So, let’s make sure we are providing them with the necessary tools. Get them started on a healthy cleansing routine using a facial cleanser specifically formulated to target oily skin. Choose a sulfate-free cleanser for a gentler approach and be diligent on reminding them to cleanse twice a day. Clean skin can help put your teen on the path to clear skin quickly. Make sure they pat their skin dry and never rub post cleansing. Remind them to use only a clean towel to dry and never reach for the family hand towel. Any towel that isn’t clean is a breeding ground for bacteria. Yuck!

Teach the Importance of Sunscreen

Teenagers spend a lot of time outdoors. Between hanging out with friends, sports programs or simply walking to school and back, they are exposed to the damaging UVA/UVB rays of the sun. All teens need to realize that even minimal exposure to the sun can cause long-term damage, including burning, aging and skin cancer. Teens need to understand that they should always apply sunscreen, or a moisturizer with sunscreen, before heading to school in the morning. A product with a minimum of SPF 30, that is both water and sweat resistant, is ideal. Inform them that even on a cloudy day, in the dead of winter, that the sun’s rays can still cause damage to the skin. If we instill in our teens the importance of using sunscreen, it will become an everyday practice that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Hands Off

Picking at a blemish is a major no-no for everyone, not just teens. Make sure to tell your teens to never pick at a pimple! If they do, it can aggravate the condition even further and lead to permanent scarring. Explain why in general we need to resist the urge to touch our face. Our hands can be riddled with germs and bacteria and the last place we want these germs to end up is on our skin.

Moisturizer is a Must

Now is the time to get your teen to use moisturizer. Moisturizer keeps skin hydrated and elasticized. For the face, choose a product containing UVA/UVB SPF 30 protection. For the body, look for a product that contains Aloe vera and shea butter. They are great, natural hydrating ingredients. Look for label claims stating that there are no added parabens, the product is dermatologist tested and there is clinical testing available to support the claims. Remind your teen to apply every morning!

For Our Teenage Girls

There are a lot of makeup trends and products geared specifically for teenage girls, however, buyer beware. Talk to your girls about the importance of making the best product choices in the name of healthy looking skin. Plan a girls’ day, go to the store together and check out beauty products to make sure that they are selecting the right products for their skin. Look for oil-free cosmetics so they won’t encourage or aggravate any skin conditions. Inform them that while makeup may look nice, too much of it can cause breakouts and result in skin imperfections. Be sure to reiterate the point that if you wear makeup, washing your face before bed is MANDATORY! Makeup left on the skin while sleeping is a catalyst for clogged pores and breakouts. Also, remember that teens who have acne should use approved products to treat that condition in accordance with their labeling and seek the advice of their doctor for serious conditions.

Tip: Go with your teen to the cosmetics counter at your local department store and get a makeover from a professional. They can teach the ins and outs of the products and make sure your teen is getting the best products for her skin. You will both leave looking fabulous. It’s a great way to bond while educating your teen and having fun.

For Our Teenage Boys

Most boys start shaving in their teen years. Use this time as a teaching opportunity – this is a great time for a dad or an older brother to take the lead. Explain the different types of razors on the market. Electric razors are a great place to start with a newbie, while disposable razors are effective for a closer shave. This all depends on the teen. It’s important to walk your teen through the basics of shaving so he can learn how to carefully avoid nicking his skin. If your teen is suffering from blemishes, nicking the skin can be painful and can lead to further irritation. So educating them on how to shave, including choosing the right razor and shaving cream, will be a valuable lesson. In addition to shaving procedure, make sure you educate them on the importance of cleaning their electric shaver and when to use a fresh blade.

Take the time to teach your teens the importance of daily hygiene and best skin care practices. These are lessons that will provide them with wonderful, lifelong results. Remember, the healthiest skin is always the most beautiful.

Written by beauty expert, Jacquie Carter. Jacquie is Director of Outer Nutrition at Herbalife. 

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Protect your skin and look younger each day! Here’s how!

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7 Tips to avoid ‘skin pollution’

by Jacquie Carter


Do you live in an urban environment? City life has its perks but one downside can be the effects of pollution on your skin. Here are 7 tips to deal with what I call ‘skin pollution.’

I grew up in a small town in upstate New York that most people would consider the ‘country.’ When it came to my skin, pollution wasn’t something I had to be very concerned with. There was minor traffic, an occasional pile of burning leaves in the fall and there was always an abundance of fresh, clean air. Once I left ‘the country’ I saw just how different environmental factors are in other parts of the world, especially in urban cities.

I’ve travelled to some wonderful cities around the world, to areas where pollution is a huge problem. It’s astounding what you can find on a white washcloth after walking through a busy city at the end of the day. Trust me—it’s not a pretty sight! The effects of air pollution are many and can include skin feeling, irritation and even premature aging to name a few. Pollution can also zap your skin of its healthy glow and leave it looking dull in appearance.

This got me thinking… Should we take extra steps to care for skin if we’re exposed to high pollution areas? Let’s take a good look at pollution, understand how it affects our skin and learn what we can do to counter those effects.

What is Pollution?

Pollution comes in different forms. There’s visible pollution that you can literally wipe off of your skin and see on your washcloth. And there’s pollution that comes in gas form such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur, carbon monoxide and so on that aren’t so visible. Bottom line, all forms of pollution can collect on your skin and create an unhealthy barrier.

So what does pollution actually do to your skin? Pollution can be responsible for skin dryness, dullness, clogged pores, some allergic reactions, skin irritations, inflammation and my least favorite… premature aging. And the worst part is, this is the short list! Pollution can really affect our face, neck and hands as these are the areas that are most exposed on a regular basis. Pollution can make skin extra sensitive and when that happens, it becomes much more susceptible to certain skin irritations.

We can break drown pollution simply into two categories: indoor and outdoor pollution. A few examples of indoor pollution include:

•   Secondhand smoke

•   Dust mites

•   Mold

•   Carbon monoxide

•   Soot from wood stoves and fireplaces

•   Air fresheners

•   Pet Dander

•   Chemical sprays including hair sprays, furniture polish, glass cleaners, perfumes

Indoor pollutants can cause dry skin and irritation.  So what can you do?  The first thing is to improve the overall air quality by allowing fresh air into your home as often as possible. Open windows or doors on both sides of your home to create a real cross breeze. By constantly freshening the air, you can help dilute the levels of pollution, which can be of great benefit to your skin. Of course, if you live in an area that’s heavily polluted with outdoor pollutants, try to keep the air in your home as clean as possible. Commit to freshening up your home on a regular basis to get rid of things like pet dander and dust.

Some examples of outdoor pollutants include:

•   Smog

•   Dirt, Dust and Debris

•   Vehicle exhaust

•   Carbon Monoxide from fires and fuel combustion

•   Ozone

•   Nitrous Oxides

•   Toxic metals such as mercury and lead

•   Ammonia

And the list goes on and on…

Outdoor pollutants are detrimental because they increase the number of free radicals in our environment (which, studies have shown, are damaging to the skin). Free radicals can damage cells over time by encouraging oxidation.

Is there anything we can do minimize the effects of pollution on our skin? Absolutely! Here are a few quick tips to help counter the negative affects of pollution on the skin.

Double Cleanse

Your first step is to remove pollutants and dirt from your skin through proper cleansing.  For those living in high pollution areas, you may want to do a ‘double cleanse.’ Choose a cleanser for your skin type that has no added sulfates. Give your skin a thorough cleansing specifically to remove the surface residue such as your makeup, dirt, excess oils and any chemicals you may have come into contact with.  Once you’ve done that it’s a good idea to give it another quick cleansing. This way, you can be sure that you removed all the surface impurities and have thoroughly cleaned your skin. If your pores are clogged, you may experience a few breakouts and it’s a good indication that you need to cleanse your skin a bit better.

Believe it or not, there are visible signs that you aren’t cleansing your skin properly. If your skin feels uneven it may be an indication that there is something lodged in there. This is most common on your cheeks, chin and nose area.  Trust me, it’s not attractive. The good news is that just a bit of extra cleansing on a daily basis may help.

Scrub the pollution away

Exfoliating your skin on a very regular basis can help guard against negative affects of pollution from building up on your skin, giving it that dull, drab appearance.  A good scrubbing helps to deep clean your pores and remove the dirt, oil and debris.

Double Down on Antioxidants

Antioxidants help to fend off free radical damage and can support healthy-looking skin when taken internally. You can do this in the form of a iet. Antioxidants to benefit the upper layers of the skin are also available in skin care products. Look for cleansers, moisturizers, and serums that contain antioxidant vitamins C and E. They can help to counteract the pollution we encounter from urban environments.

Use a good moisturizer

Moisturizers will provide your skin with antioxidant support and help hydrate your skin. Most importantly, a moisturizer will help to create a barrier between your skin and pollution.

Avoid rush hour

For the sake of your skin, it’s always best to avoid being in pollution heavy areas during rush hour. The more automobiles on the road, the more pollution you’ll be exposed to. It’s as easy as that.

Wear Sunscreen

There is never a reason NOT to wear sunscreen when going outside—I’m sure you knew that. As a friendly reminder, it’s imperative to always protect your skin from the damaging UV rays.

Stay hydrated

Water is good for your body and great for your skin. By drinking more water, you can help keep your skin hydrated. You should also load up on fresh fruits with a high water content. Look for antioxidant enriched citrus fruits, watermelon and apples for a delicious, hydrating snack.


It’s almost impossible to avoid pollution. By following these simple tips, hopefully you can reduce some of the damage that pollution can cause to your skin. If you live in a highly polluted area, I would love to hear your favorite tips on how you deal with pollution in the comments section below.

Written by beauty expert, Jacquie Carter. Jacquie is Director of Outer Nutrition at Herbalife. Discover the HerbalifeSKIN line here.


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5 Habits to Improve Your Skin

by Jacquie Carter


People with good looking skin tend to have the same daily habits. If you are looking to improve your skin, then there are a few habits you should consider developing.

Believe it or not, people with good looking skin tend to have the same daily habits. As I always say, the worst thing you can do for your skin is to do nothing at all. Our skin is our largest organ and it needs and deserves a lot of tender loving care. And if you are in pursuit of good skin, then there are few habits you should consider developing.

Related Article: 7 tips to avoid ‘skin pollution’

Most successful people share the same best practices. Most people with good skin also share the same best practices. Taking care of your skin, cleansing, nourishing, hydrating and protecting every day is essential. Here are 5 habits that can help you to improve your skin.

Cleansing is Crucial

When you look at someone and notice his or her perfect, clear, glowing skin, there is one thing for sure: they never forget to cleanse their skin. Washing your face is the first step towards perfect skin. And, cleansing must be done every morning when you wake up and every evening before bedtime. There are no excuses. Our skin collects so many impurities it would take hours to list them all. But here are a few to think about: oil, dirt, makeup, germs, pollution, hair products, perfumes and on and on we go. If you want perfect skin, then cleansing is a no-brainer. Unwashed skin can lead to dullness, dryness, excess oil buildup, clogged pores, blackheads, breakouts and even fine lines and wrinkles. And, it is sooooo unnecessary. It only takes a minute to effectively cleanse your skin. Choose a cleanser that fits your skin type. The right cleanser will help to target dryness or oiliness, in addition to removing the impurities. Look for skin hydrating and soothing ingredients like Aloe vera and antioxidants. And ladies, if achieving perfect skin is your goal, just know that you will never reach it if you don’t wash your makeup off every single night before bedtime. Pore-clogging makeup and wrinkle-causing pollution must be removed!

Never Forget to Moisturize

Most people with perfect skin have a daily skin care regimen that is as commonplace as brushing their teeth and taking a shower. It’s not optional. And they all understand and embrace this. Applying a day and nighttime moisturizer is something that they won’t skip. Moisturizer helps keep the skin hydrated and more elastic. Meaning, it maintains flexibility and returns to its original shape. When your skin is hydrated and healthy it looks fantastic. A daytime moisturizer that contains SPF to fend off the suns damaging rays is essential, as UVA and UVB rays of the sun can wreak havoc on the skin. They can not only burn the skin, but they can also be a primary contributor to the signs of premature aging, spotting, sagging and even skin cancer. And equally essential to daytime moisturizer is a rich, hydrating night cream, which is a simple skin care step that will deliver benefits to the skin while you sleep. No matter what, if you are in pursuit of perfect skin, then moisturizing is a daily must!

Exfoliation is Essential

If you are an avid skin scrubber, then you totally understand the power of exfoliating your skin. When you are looking to achieve perfect skin, scrubbing a few times a week is essential. A good exfoliating scrub helps remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface, instantly revealing the healthy skin cells below. Your skin will be smoother, softer and more glowing in appearance.

S.O.S. Remedies

Men and women with good looking skin know a lot of tips and tricks to use when in a pinch. A perfect example is splashing your face with cold water in the morning. This will help “wake up” your skin after a long night. It will also help tighten up the appearance of your pores. When you know you look tired, splash away to instantly energize the skin. Are you prone to under-eye puffiness? In addition to a firming eye gel that should be applied every morning, people with good looking skin also know to cut back on salt and alcohol, and always get a good night’s sleep. Remember that it’s called beauty sleep for a reason.

Understanding the Products

Some people will never achieve perfect skin. Why? Because they just can’t seem to follow directions or read the product benefits before using. It’s always important to use products that are most suitable for your skin type. Oily skin, dry skin, wrinkled skin, blemished skin – all have products that have been specifically developed to help with that particular skin situation. People with perfect skin have a great understanding of their personal needs and seek to use only those products that can help. If you have oily skin, choose a cleanser that targets sebum. If dry skin is a concern, look for products that provide essential hydration to the skin and are a bit richer in texture. And most importantly, for the best results, follow the directions! Applying products in the wrong order or putting on too much or too little can give you limited results, or perhaps even negative results. So be a bit more savvy and read the labels before you start using.

Pursuing a path to good skin is easy. Just implement these few habits into your daily regimen and you are sure to see and feel a difference in your skin. Remember, the healthiest skin is always the most beautiful!

Written by beauty expert, Jacquie Carter. Jacquie is Director of Outer Nutrition at Herbalife.


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VIDEO: Herbalife 360 Shake Challenge

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NEW!! The next step towards CLEARER SKIN= SKIN CLEARIFY!

There’s been a breakthrough at Herbalife in the fight against breakouts – Herbalife SKIN® Clearify. This dermatologist-tested treatment contains the acne-fighting power of salicylic acid and fresh-scented botanicals to help combat acne breakouts.





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Herbalife oltre a promuovere uno stile di vita sano ed attivo, ti aiuta a tenere sotto controllo il colesterolo. Da oggi puoi subito ordinare Beta heart® a base di OatWell, fonte di beta-glucano d’avena.


Beta heart® è un preparato per bevanda in polvere al gusto di vaniglia, a base di OatWell™, fonte di beta-glucano d’avena. È stato dimostrato che il beta-glucano dell’avena abbassa il colesterolo nel sangue. L’ipercolesterolemia costituisce un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo di cardiopatie coronariche. I beta-glucani contribuiscono al mantenimento di livelli normali di colesterolo nel sangue.*




– 1,5 g di beta-glucani d’avena – per cucchiaio dosatore
– Alto contenuto di fibre (3 g per cucchiaio dosatore)
– Fonte di proteine
– 25 kcal per cucchiaio dosatore
– Senza zuccheri
L’effetto benefico si ottiene con l’assunzione giornaliera di 3 g di beta-glucano dell’avena.

Indipendentemente dall’età, lo stile di vita può incidere in maniera determinante sui livelli di colesterolo. Puoi prenderti cura del tuo benessere in 3 semplici passi.

Passo 1: Mangia sano
Riduci il consumo di grassi saturi e acidi grassi trans con qualche semplice sostituzione:

-Pane/pasta integrali invece che bianchi
-Pesci grassi o pollame magro invece di carni rosse o lavorate.
-Frutta a guscio, semi o noccioline di soia invece di snack confezionati, come le patatine.

Passo 2: Fai attività
L’attività fisica aiuta ad aumentare il colesterolo “buono” (HDL) nel sangue perché stimola lo spostamento dei depositi adiposi nel fegato, contribuendo a mantenere cuore e vasi sanguigni in buone condizioni.
Bastano 150 minuti di attività moderata alla settimana**: prova a fare 30 minuti per 5 giorni!

Passo 3: Integra la tua dieta
Elevato contenuto di fibre e fonte di proteine, un cucchiaio dosatore di Beta heart® apporta anche 1,5 g di beta-glucano, una fibra solubile presente nella crusca d’avena, che aiuta ad abbassare o mantenere a livelli normali il colesterolo.

Sciogli 1 o 2 cucchiai dosatori di preparato per bevanda in polvere Beta heart® in un bicchiere d’acqua o succo di frutta oppure aggiungili al frullato Formula 1 per ottenere un pasto sano e nutriente.


Cod. 0267


* La malattia coronarica ha molteplici fattori di rischio e l’intervento su uno di questi fattori può avere o meno un effetto benefico.
**Direttive del Servizio sanitario nazionale (NHS, National Health Service) britannico: Colesterolo alto: prevenzione. Pubbl. 16/08/2013.
OatWell™ è un marchio registrato di DSM.

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NEU! Zuckerfreier Multi-Ballaststoff-Drink




Multi-Ballaststoff-Drink ist eine köstliche und einfache Möglichkeit, die hilft, Ihre tägliche Ballaststoffaufnahme zu erhöhen und Ihre Verdauuung zu unterstützen*


  1. 5 g Ballaststoffe pro Portion
  2. 6 Ballaststoffquellen
  3. 18 kcal pro Portion
  4. Ohne Zucker**
  5. Ohne künstliche Süßungsmittel
  6. Enthält sowohl lösliche als auch unlösliche Ballaststoffe
  7. Genießen Sie es mit Wasser oder mischen Sie es mit Ihrem Lieblings Formula 1-Shake

Wie kann es Ihnen helfen?


Multi-Ballaststoff-Drink kann Ihnen dabei helfen, die empfohlene Ballaststoffzufuhr zu erreichen, welche für Erwachsene 25 g pro Tag beträgt***.


Mischen Sie 1 Messlöffel (6,8 g) mit 150 ml Wasser oder fügen Sie einen Löffel zu Ihrem Lieblings-Shake hinzu, mischen und genießen Sie es.


Genießen Sie dieses Produkt im Rahmen einer ausgewogenen und abwechslungsreichen Ernährung sowie einem gesunden, aktiven Lebensstil.

*Ballaststoffe aus Haferkörnern führen zu mehr Masse im Darm.
**Enthält 0,1 g natürlich vorkommenden Zucker
***EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies (NDA).EFSA Journal 2010; 8(3):1462.





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