Tag Archive | fitness

How to Conquer Fear and Reach Your Goals

by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA

No fear.

Does fear hold you back? If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase your speed, or improve some areas of your life, then you must conquer fear. And you need a plan.

Whatever your goal may be, if you want to be successful you have to first believe in yourself and then follow a plan. Today I want to talk about letting go of fear.

Snow and ice athletes are a perfect example of people who overcome and channel their fear every day. My sister Jackie has won bobsled medals for her country. I have utmost respect for her love of the sport, and her ability to conquer fear. I’ve always supported her events, but standing in the crowd I could tangibly feel my fear coursing through my veins.

How to conquer fear in sports

Jackie believes that the fear of failure is the main thing that stops people from performing at their best. In her sport, there is a very real possibility of crashing at 80 mph, and the consequences could be dire. What makes my sister a champion is that she’s able to separate her fears into a concern for her safety and anxiety about failure. Jackie knows that she’s undertaken every safety precaution and has practiced, practiced, practiced.

Fear can promote a release of adrenaline into our bloodstream. To protect ourselves, the ‘fight or flight’ mechanism comes into play and our bodies prepare for action. In sports and other competitive environments, it’s not typically the fear of danger that creates this rush of adrenaline, but more a mix of anticipation and excitement.

Being prepared and having a plan of action will allow you to train your mind to overcome any negative emotions that are standing in your way. And you don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from mental training techniques.

Jackie put aside her safety fears because she had a plan and she was committed. She was determined to use her fear to make her train and compete, rather than giving in to fear and saying goodbye to the triumph she felt each time she clocked a personal best.

How to use fear to get closer to your goals

We don’t all have to hurtle down hills to face our fears. In everyday life, there are things we might want to do but don’t because the fear of failure is too great.

Making lifestyle changes, especially those that involve weight loss and health goals, often make people feel anxious and fearful. The fear of failure or a fear of the unknown can often stop people from trying something new. Try using my three simple tips to help you conquer fear and overcome any negative emotions to turn them into success.

1: Fear assessment:
Write down a list of the worst things that could happen if you fail. This will often put things into perspective and make you realize that you should just get started on your journey. We can all be guilty of having an over-active imagination, so writing down your fears will help you assess if they are in fact valid.

2: Define your goal:
Ensure that your goals are written down and use a S.M.A R.T.1 goal-setting framework. Having a clear destination and time frame in mind will help you on days you want to quit. Clear goal setting will put you in full control of your success.

3:  Positivity training:
Write a positive affirmation and say it every day. The more you tell yourself that you can be successful, the more you will start to believe it’s true. An example from my old training diary from my athletic days is ‘I am strong, I am powerful I was born to compete at a world level.’ And from my days of trying to lose extra baby weight I wrote, ‘I will regain my pre-baby body, I am strong and focused.’

Many athletes will tell you that the mental side of sports is more important than the physical aspect. That constructed belief is one of the keys to making your dreams come true.

If you have found yourself starting and stopping over the years with your body composition goals, you may benefit from trying a new positive mental approach. Try not to let your fear of failure get in the way of your success. It’s better to try and fail than not try at all.

To end, here’s an inspirational quote from my sister in her new quest of getting back her pre-baby, athletic physique:

I’m going to think myself thin. I thought my way to two Olympic games, so I’m just going to believe I have a perfect body. Of course, I’m going to stop eating unhealthy snacks and get my butt to the gym, too.”

[1] Specific. Measured. Agreed upon. Realistic. Time-based.


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What Is Physical Fitness? How to Tell If You’re Really Exercising

by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA


Keep fit with exercise that’s right for you.

I often get asked: “Is doing physical activity enough, or do I need a structured fitness program to get in shape?”

My answer is different for each person who asks. I have to tailor my answers because fitness is not a one size fits all situation. For many people simply increasing their physical activity will be enough to meet their health goals and expectations; however, for others I may recommend a detailed fitness plan.


The Difference Between Activity and Exercise

Physical activity


Physical activity is simply body movements that involve the contraction of your muscles. All of the activities we do throughout the day that involve movement, such as walking, lifting, cleaning and yard work are examples of physical activity. Most people perform at least a few physical activities everyday without even realizing it – for instance standing and cooking, or popping out to post a letter both require basic movement.

You might find it interesting to write a little mental list of some of the physical activities you conduct each day without usually thinking about them. You may be surprised by how long, or how short, your list is.


Exercise is a specific form of physical activity that is planned, purposeful and performed with the intention of gaining specific adaptations in the body, such as stronger muscles, increased flexibility or improved cardiovascular function. Dancing, swimming, cycling, and running are all examples of exercise.

Are you exercising or being active?

There can be a fine line between the two, so the best way to determine if you are just being active or if you are exercising is to do the talk test.

  • If you can talk easily while performing the activity, you are simply being active.
  • If you need to catch your breath and find talking difficult, then you are exercising.

It is the intensity of the task being performed that will determine the health benefits that you will gain from the activity.

Look out for these four physical fitness components, and you’ll understand why exercising is just as important as being physically active:

  • Cardio-respiratory endurance
  • Muscular strength
  • Muscular endurance
  • Flexibility

Although it is possible to address all of these fitness components with a physically active lifestyle, an exercise program can help you achieve even greater benefits.

How to get started with an exercise regime

Increasing the amount of physical activity in your everyday life is a perfect way to start on the path toward a healthier, happier more energized you! But if you really want to achieve increased fitness, you’ll want to incorporate structured, more vigorous activities into your schedule a few days a week.

The key to living a healthy, active lifestyle is to take it one day at a time and try to choose activities that you thoroughly enjoy. Over time, you can increase intensity and, perhaps, the duration. Remember that your body is unique, and understanding your health needs (rather than your neighbors’ needs) will keep you on the right track toward a healthy lifestyle.

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Senior Director of Worldwide Fitness Education at Herbalife.


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A New Approach to Being Active

by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA



When you embrace a style of activity with free flowing movements, you just might experience benefits that go beyond the physical.

People have been engaging in free flowing movements for centuries, but as a former athlete and a trainer who is often helping people to achieve a very specific goal, the idea of movement without structure is a new concept for me. In our purpose driven lives we are often caught up in following a specific plan with structure and goals, but on a recent trip to China I got to enjoy being outside and simply moving in a way that felt good.

Related Article: Need fitness motivation? 6 tips to get and stay on track

I was running through a park in Xi’an, China, and people of all ages were congregating in small groups, doing what looked to me like a combination of stress relief therapy, family bonding time and friendship building. It was amazing to see a variety of fun activities taking place so early in the morning.

I’m used to seeing people doing traditional exercises, such as running and cycling, but the activities were different and I enjoyed trying a number of them out for myself. The outdoor activity trend throughout china takes place in local squares and parks. It’s a movement that is supported by the government to encourage people to avoid living a sedentary lifestyle.

The physical gains that you get from doing simple activity, in terms of building cardiovascular fitness level and muscular strength, is minimal. However the mental benefits of movement can sometimes far outweigh the physical. Being active is a great way to the relieve stress and anxiety that comes hand in hand with living a busy life.

If you are someone who has a negative association with exercise, simply getting active may be a perfect starting point for you. The joint and bone health benefits of getting active makes the effort of getting started worthwhile. I believe that some movement is always better than doing nothing at all.

Here are some ways that you can become more active at home or outside.

Dancing: All you need is some music. Let your body move to the beat in a way that feels good to you. Some of the groups had traditional flowing style movements while others were just making it up as they danced. The aim is to move and be present in the moment, enjoying the music and surroundings.

Tai Chi: Tai chi is an art that needs instruction and practice, but once you know the basics you can do it at any time. I was surprised at just how much patience and muscle control it takes to move your body so slowly. It is very low impact and perfect for seniors.

Simple stretches: Find an area and start to stretch. You don’t have to do a specific stretch routine, just stretch the areas of your body that feel tight in a way that feels natural to you.

Waist hoop: This playground classic is great for loosening up tight muscles and it’s very fun.

Footbag and simple ball games: Working on your co-ordination with simple games is a great way to get your body moving.

Hiking and walking: Enjoying your surroundings while walking is a great way to get active in a gentle way. Walking is an activity that you can make easy by taking a stroll or increase the intensity by adding in a variety of terrains.

Following a structured exercise routine in order to achieve specific gains is wonderful, but every now and then taking a break from the competitive and progressive style of exercise is a great way to jump start a passion for a new activity or stop yourself from getting burnt out. Children on the playground have got the art of free flowing activity mastered, but as we get older we tend to be a little more self conscious about what activities we do especially in public, so I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new.

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.


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Cooking With Kids: Healthy Eating Starts in the Kitchen

by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, FAND

Cooking can instill a sense of pride in kids.

Kids love to cook—and it might help them to make better food choices, too.

I think it’s fair to say that most kids—given the chance—like to spend time playing around in the kitchen. And why not? Cooking is creative and messy and fun, and it tickles all the senses. On top of that, your efforts are rewarded with something that’s (hopefully) delicious to eat. But cooking can deliver some additional benefits, too—spending time in the kitchen can help kids to develop an appreciation for healthy foods, and foster better eating habits, too.

RELATED ARTICLE: 12 smart tips for getting your kids heart healthy

The significance of this really shouldn’t be overlooked. In the last few decades, obesity and overweight rates among American kids have risen dramatically—a reflection, in part, on a diet that includes too many calories and nutrient-poor foods, and too little in the way of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and calcium-rich dairy products.

And eating out is a contributing factor. Meals eaten away from home are higher in calories, fat and saturated fat—and provide less calcium and fiber—than home-prepared meals. On the other hand, eating more meals at home is associated with a higher intake of fruits, vegetables and dairy products, with less fat and calories.

Cooking with Kids: The Many Benefits
    • Cooking at home and eating together helps kids develop an appreciation for healthy foods. When parents serve as good role models with their food choices, kids develop a similar appreciation for healthy foods. And, the comfortable, supportive environment of home helps to reinforce these healthy behaviors.
    • Kids enjoy eating what they’ve prepared. When kids are involved in the selection of ingredients and preparation of foods, they’re more likely to try their creations.
    • They’re more likely to try new foods. Even if kids decide that they don’t particularly like what they prepared, the cooking experience will help to cultivate an open mind when it comes to trying new foods.
    • Kids derive a sense of pride and independence when they cook. Kids love to boast that “I did it all myself!” When they are able to prepare something on their own—no matter how simple—and serve it to family, it instills a sense of pride and independence. Help your kids by guiding them toward age-appropriate recipes.
    • Cooking is creative. Once kids have some basic skills and learn to follow recipes, they should be encouraged to get creative. You can start with a very simple basic recipe—for example, a smoothie made with flavored protein powder and milk—and allow them to experiment by adding different fruits, vegetables, spices or extracts. Once they’ve come up with their own recipes, many kids enjoy creating their own recipe file.
    • Cooking together can be fun, quality time. Spending time together in the kitchen can be fun and relaxing for both kids and adults. Many kids don’t need much coaxing to join you in the kitchen, so use this time to simply enjoy each other’s company and talk about how good—and good for you—your meal is going to be.

Susan Bowerman is Director of Nutrition Training at Herbalife. Susan is a Registered Dietitian and a Board-Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics.


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Family Fitness: Raise Healthy, Active Kids

by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA

Get active with your kids.

Whether you want to raise superstar athletes or just emphasize the importance of physical fitness in order to raise healthy, active kids, it’s never too late to get started on a family fitness journey.

There’s never been a better time to get active with your family! If you’re looking to change your children’s current lifestyle and make healthier choices, then I have six great tips that may help you get or stay on a path to raising healthy, active kids. An active lifestyle is a great family goal that can be achieved with a few creative changes.

Related Article: Design Your Own Healthy, Active Lifestyle Plan

1) Talk to your child’s physician

I always advise that you talk to your child’s doctor about what kind of fitness is right for them —especially if it’s a drastic lifestyle change. The words ‘active’ and ‘kids’ used to go hand in hand, but in today’s modern world, many kids hardly ever run around or play sports. Going from complete inactivity to a sudden active lifestyle can be a shock to the system. All changes in physical activity should be gradual. Checking your kids’ health before making any lifestyle changes should be the first step to achieving your family’s fitness goals.

2) Create a routine

The best way to get going on your family fitness journey is to write out a schedule and pick two activity days per week. Consider planning outdoor activities such as hikes, bike rides or sports to make it feel less like a duty and more like playtime. The more you can involve your kids in the planning process, the more enthusiastic they will be about the change.

3) Embrace modern technology

If you have children that are reliant on modern technology such as computers, video games, and tablets, you might face a full-blown rebellion if you try to swap gadgets for family fitness time. Instead, you can embrace modern technology and ease into an active lifestyle with fitness games and challenges. There are many dance, fitness and activity games available that combine technology with simple tasks to help entertain kids into getting active. This tip shouldn’t take away from traditional outdoor activities, but it’s a step in the right direction.

4) Go back to basics and keep it simple

Remember how much fun it was to play a simple game of catch with your friends when you were younger? As you move towards more traditional fitness-based activities, focus on fun coordination and body awareness moves. Kids have developing nervous systems and would benefit greatly from engaging both small and large motor skills. These activities include kicking, catching and hopping, and they could feel more like a game rather than fitness.

5) Be smart about fitness

Children get so many ideas of what think they can do. Your child may see photos in the media of other kids lifting heavy weights. In reality, it’s not a good idea for children to be doing heavy lifting. There are differing opinions on the correct age that children should start lifting weights, and it’s a decision that should be discussed with your child’s physician. I believe doing exercises that use your body weight are a perfect way to build strength for kids and adults. I started my weights program at the age of 15. My husband started using weights at the age of 17, and we’ve both been successful in the fitness world. My children will be well into their teens before they touch a weight. Until then, they’re going to have fun with squats, pushups and playing on the monkey bars!

6) Lead by example

The greatest gift you can give your children is to lead by example by practicing healthy habits. Try popping in a fitness DVD or follow a fitness routine on the computer to set an active example. If your young children want to join in, you should let them! Just make sure they stay away from the equipment, especially weight machines and treadmills. A fall on a moving treadmill can cause permanent scarring and burns (I know this from personal experience – you don’t need to make the same mistake!).

We can all make healthier choices to lead our children down a healthy, active path. If you keep it fun for them, you can set them up for a lifetime of being active.

Written by Samantha Clayton, A.F.A.A., I.S.S.A. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.


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Design Your Own Healthy, Active Lifestyle Plan by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA

Design Your Own Healthy Lifestyle PlanDesigning your own healthy, active lifestyle plan is important if you want to improve your body composition.

Achieving balance in your daily life can feel as good as finding a perfect outfit on a sale rack that feels as though it was designed just for you. When something feels like it’s a good fit, whether it’s clothing, a job, a friendship or a healthy eating plan, it’s easy to commit to it long term without hesitation.

Related Article: Personalizing Your Diet Plan: How to Create a Diet that Works for You

Designing the ideal nutrition plan and workout that feels right for your body is important if you want to improve your body composition and maintain your results long term. Here are some tips on how you can design a healthy, active lifestyle plan that is a perfect fit for you.


When it comes to getting fit and healthy, it’s a combination of many factors that contribute to your overall sense of wellbeing and health. Nutrition, rest, stress levels, work commitments and of course, your genetics, are just a few of the factors that can affect your personal results and your progress. In order to improve your fitness level and body composition you must look at the big picture and assess many areas of your life. Quite often we get fixated on one piece of the puzzle while neglecting others. Some people will focus only on their diet and neglect exercise, and others will try to exercise to compensate for a poor diet. I believe that it’s easier to achieve success if you address lots of the small areas of your daily life and make changes one day at a time.

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself so that you can refine your healthy, active lifestyle plan to fit you. Asking yourself some simple questions may help you to assess your daily habits and make positive changes.

  • Does your nutrition focus match your activity level?

The more active you are in your daily life, the more you need to ensure that you are giving your body an adequate amount of nutrients. The body requires a steady supply of macro and micronutrients each day to allow you to perform at our best. For the structures of the body to maintain themselves post workout, you must be conscious of meeting your daily recommended amounts of protein and vitamins. Staying hydrated and being conscious of your nutrient timing may help you to get the most of your body. Consider keeping a journal of your daily nutrient intake and make weekly notes to assess how you feel.

  • Are you getting enough sleep?

If it’s less than 6-8 hours a night, find ways to improve your sleep habits to allow your body ample time rest, regenerate and recover each night.

  • Are you snacking on unhealthy snacks?

If you realize you are snacking throughout the day on unhealthy snacks that are low in nutrients, but high in calories, make a point to find healthier options that will satisfy your cravings without all of the extra calories.

  • How many hours per week are you working?

If you are working more than 50 hours per week, it could be adding to your stress levels. Spend time assessing your working style and see if you can become more efficient with your workday planning in order to eliminate any wasted time.

  • Are you exercising enough to reach your goals?

Exercising for 30 minutes per day, five days per week is essential for your health. If you want to do more than maintain your current fitness level, you will need to find a way to add extra exercise minutes into your schedule. Scheduling 45-60 minutes per day will allow you to follow a very structured and progressive routine, as well as allow time for adequate warm up and cool down.

  • Are you using an individualized approach?

Workouts and healthy eating plans tend to not be a one size fits all situation. We are all individuals with varied body types and we each respond differently to exercise and lifestyle change. Think about it, if there were one specific formula we would all become pro athletes and sculpt perfectly lean physiques. Try to make your healthy, active lifestyle plan centered around what you personally enjoy. Choose a time of day that fits into your schedule for exercise and find ways to incorporate good personal choices into your daily routine.

  • Are you feeling positive?

The way we feel about ourselves emotionally can positively or negatively affect our energy level, effort level and results. Making an effort to be positive, writing goals and reaffirming your commitment to getting healthy may help you to stay motivated.

  • Do you compare yourself to others?

It’s very natural for us to compare ourselves to the people around us, in fact being inspired by a friends progress can be very motivating and prompt us to try harder to reach our goals, but when you cross the line and start comparing yourself to others you can become disappointed with your own progress and quit. Always remember that you are a unique individual and your personal progress is just that “Personal”

Spend some time designing a healthy, active lifestyle to suit you. Make small changes, create good habits and try to keep a positive approach to achieving your goals, even on those days when not everything goes to plan.

Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.


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Family Fitness: Raise Healthy, Active Kids by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA

Get active with your kids.

Whether you want to raise superstar athletes or just emphasize the importance of physical fitness in order to raise healthy, active kids, it’s never too late to get started on a family fitness journey.

There’s never been a better time to get active with your family! If you’re looking to change your children’s current lifestyle and make healthier choices, then I have six great tips that may help you get or stay on a path to raising healthy, active kids. An active lifestyle is a great family goal that can be achieved with a few creative changes.

Related Article: Design Your Own Healthy, Active Lifestyle Plan

1) Talk to your child’s physician

I always advise that you talk to your child’s doctor about what kind of fitness is right for them —especially if it’s a drastic lifestyle change. The words ‘active’ and ‘kids’ used to go hand in hand, but in today’s modern world, many kids hardly ever run around or play sports. Going from complete inactivity to a sudden active lifestyle can be a shock to the system. All changes in physical activity should be gradual. Checking your kids’ health before making any lifestyle changes should be the first step to achieving your family’s fitness goals.

2) Create a routine

The best way to get going on your family fitness journey is to write out a schedule and pick two activity days per week. Consider planning outdoor activities such as hikes, bike rides or sports to make it feel less like a duty and more like playtime. The more you can involve your kids in the planning process, the more enthusiastic they will be about the change.

3) Embrace modern technology

If you have children that are reliant on modern technology such as computers, video games, and tablets, you might face a full-blown rebellion if you try to swap gadgets for family fitness time. Instead, you can embrace modern technology and ease into an active lifestyle with fitness games and challenges. There are many dance, fitness and activity games available that combine technology with simple tasks to help entertain kids into getting active. This tip shouldn’t take away from traditional outdoor activities, but it’s a step in the right direction.

4) Go back to basics and keep it simple

Remember how much fun it was to play a simple game of catch with your friends when you were younger? As you move towards more traditional fitness-based activities, focus on fun coordination and body awareness moves. Kids have developing nervous systems and would benefit greatly from engaging both small and large motor skills. These activities include kicking, catching and hopping, and they could feel more like a game rather than fitness.

5) Be smart about fitness

Children get so many ideas of what think they can do. Your child may see photos in the media of other kids lifting heavy weights. In reality, it’s not a good idea for children to be doing heavy lifting. There are differing opinions on the correct age that children should start lifting weights, and it’s a decision that should be discussed with your child’s physician. I believe doing exercises that use your body weight are a perfect way to build strength for kids and adults. I started my weights program at the age of 15. My husband started using weights at the age of 17, and we’ve both been successful in the fitness world. My children will be well into their teens before they touch a weight. Until then, they’re going to have fun with squats, pushups and playing on the monkey bars!

6) Lead by example

The greatest gift you can give your children is to lead by example by practicing healthy habits. Try popping in a fitness DVD or follow a fitness routine on the computer to set an active example. If your young children want to join in, you should let them! Just make sure they stay away from the equipment, especially weight machines and treadmills. A fall on a moving treadmill can cause permanent scarring and burns (I know this from personal experience – you don’t need to make the same mistake!).

We can all make healthier choices to lead our children down a healthy, active path. If you keep it fun for them, you can set them up for a lifetime of being active.

Written by Samantha Clayton, A.F.A.A., I.S.S.A. Samantha is Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife.


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Haben Sie sich für diesen Sommer schon Ihre Ziele gesetzt?


Herbalife Kunden- Newsletter – Juni 2016

Haben Sie sich für diesen Sommer
schon Ihre Ziele gesetzt?

Die Kraft der Sonne wird jeden Tag stärker. Stellen Sie also sicher, dass Sie Ihre Ernährungs- und Fitnessziele klar vor Augen haben. In diesem Newsletter erhalten Sie Motivationstipps für eine ausgewogenere Ernährung. Erfahren Sie, wieso das Setzen von Zielen Ihnen dabei helfen kann fokussiert zu bleiben! Ernährungsexpertin Susan Bowerman verrät, wie Sie mit einfachen Schritten Ihre Ernährung verbessern können.






Sie möchten Ihren Körper in Form bringen? Dann lesen Sie den Artikel von Fitnessexpertin Samantha Clayton und starten Ihr Fitnessprogramm noch heute.





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Survey says: Most summer bodies stayed under wraps this year by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD, FAND

Survey says: Most summer bodies stayed under wraps this year | Susan Bowerman | Discover Good NutritionIt’s late spring, and you’re standing in line at the supermarket, staring at the magazines.  The covers are graced with people who are tanned, toned and fit and the headlines scream, “get your bikini body now!” or “there’s still time to shape up for summer!”  And many of us do toss around the idea of getting rid of a little excess flab that’s been hiding under bulky sweaters and long coats all winter.  But how many people actually attempt to get in shape for summer?  And, when they slip into their swimsuits, how do they feel “letting it all hang out”?  In order to find out, Herbalife sponsored a nationwide survey* – and the results were really surprising. 

The survey asked 1000 men and women whether they tried to diet and exercise their way to a better body for the summer, and how they felt about being seen in swimwear.  And a large majority – 69% of the women and 76% of the men – said that they put forth absolutelyno effort to get in shape for the summer.

And while we didn’t gather height and weight data in the survey, it’s probably safe to say that most of those surveyed are carrying around more weight than they’d like.  When asked how they felt about their bodies being out in plain view, only 3.5% thought, “I’ve got it, so I flaunt it”.  And despite summer’s searing heat wave, more than half said they keep their bodies “under wraps”, 36% said they’re “embarrassed to be seen in a bathing suit”, and another 16% avoid swimming situations altogether – because they simply don’t want to be seen.

Interestingly, the majority – 61 percent – admitted that while their bodies aren’t perfect, they were comfortable with what they’ve got.  And on the surface, that body acceptance would appear to be a good thing.  But when nationwide statistics are also showing that, as a nation, we’re just getting heavier and heavier, it could also suggest that our view of what a normal and healthy body looks like is shifting – in the wrong direction.  And, that may mean that many are simply giving up the fight to get fit – they’re working out less and loving it more.

With so many people keeping themselves covered up and avoiding the water altogether, a day of activity at the beach or pool is a missed opportunity for those who could really use it.  Swimming is a great cardio workout, and the natural resistance of the water helps to build muscle.  And a walk or jog in the sand at the beach really works the legs.

So now imagine that it’s next spring, and you’re standing at the checkout line, looking at the magazine covers.  Okay – maybe you can’t get a bikini body in time for summer – but you sure aren’t going to get one if you spend the summer on the couch.  Instead of avoiding the beach and the pool (or the mirror) next year, get into those swimming togs, get outside and get moving.  While it’s great to be comfortable with the body you’ve got, if you take care if it with proper diet and exercise, it’ll also be the best body it can be.

*Survey of US adult population, conducted by Synovate eNation, June 27, 2011 through June 29, 2011, margin of error +/- 3 percentage points.

Written by Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD. Susan is a paid consultant for Herbalife.


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The healthy breakfast that gives you get up and go



Breakfast is good for you



  • The recommended amount of calories that a breakfast should provide is between 15 to 25% of the total daily energy intake.1
  • 61% of Europeans miss breakfast more than once a week 2



Increased vitamins and minerals3 intake increase the likelihood of meeting the general recommended daily intake.4


Increased vitamins and minerals intake for a more positive state of mood and contributing to the reduction of fatigue.4


Better appetite control, contributing to a better weight management.1

A healthy breakfast helps you to reach the macronutrients daily requirements made up of:

  • Up to 30% – Protein – from food and supplements.

  • 40% – Carbohydrates – from food and supplements.

  • 30% – Fats – from food and supplements.


  • 1 glass of Formula 1 shake.
  • 1 cup of Instant Herbal Beverage tea.
  • 1 glass of Herbal Aloe (Mango)

Rich in proteins and source of 20 essential vitamins and minerals, this healthy* breakfast has the right nutritional mix to set you up for the day ahead:

  • Calorie-controlled with only 227Kcal.
  • Excellent balance of high quality protein, with more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Quick and easy to prepare when the time is tight.
Protein Kcal Carbohydrate Fat Fibre
17g 227 22.9g 7g 2.5g

* Substituting one daily meal of an energy restricted diet with a meal replacement contributes to the maintenance of weight after weight loss

*When using Formula 1 meal replacement shakes for the purposes of weight control or weight management, please check carefully the instructions on the product label.

Ready to challenge yourself to a healthy breakfast? Ask your member now and start to feel the benefits!

1 O’NeIl et all. (2014). J Acad Nutr Diet, 3(S8-S26).
2 CEEREAL European breakfast survey (2007).www.ceereal.eu – facts and figures, March 2007.
3 Lancaster et all. (2012). FASEB, 26(812).
4 Smith, A. (2011). In Diet, Brain, Behaviour: PractIcal ImplIcatIons. Eds: R.B.Kanarek & H.R Lieberman. Taylor & FrancIs.


How do you start your day?


No Breakfast 

No calories, no nutrients, no protein.

Skipping breakfast means your body doesn’t have the essential nutrients and fluids needed to perform basic functions. With only limited stores leftover from your meal the night before, this extra effort can leave you feeling tired and irritable, and more likely to snack on sugary foods later on.

1 muffin and 1 coffee latte*

After a simple carbohydrate-based breakfast with important calorie content, you may feel a short burst of energy, but this will often be quickly followed by an ‘energy crash’; making you feel tired. This is usually down to a lack of important nutrients for the day ahead.

Protein Kcal Carbohydrate Fat Fibre
16.1g 615 72.2g 28.7g 6.6g

2 Slices of white bread toast with jam and butter + 1 glass of milk*

A healthy meal is all about balance. Choosing high-fibre whole grain bread and skimmed milk for example, improves the nutritional profile of such breakfast.

Protein Kcal Carbohydrate Fat Fibre
12.4g 631 72.6g 33.6g 1.2g

1 bowl of cereals and milk* + 1 glass of orange juice

Choosing a fresh fruit over a processed orange juice can help you reduce the amount of sugar. You may want to consider using skimmed milk to reduce the fat content.

Protein Kcal Carbohydrate Fat Fibre
10.1g 391 72.3g 6.3g 3.4g

*with semi-skimmed milk.


  • 1 glass of Formula 1 shake.
  • 1 cup of Instant Herbal Beverage tea.
  • 1 glass of Herbal Aloe (Mango)

Rich in proteins and source of 20 essential vitamins and minerals, this healthy* breakfast has the right nutritional mix to set you up for the day ahead:

  • Calorie-controlled with only 227Kcal.
  • Excellent balance of high quality protein, with more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Quick and easy to prepare when the time is tight.
Protein Kcal Carbohydrate Fat Fibre
17g 227 22.9g 7g 2.5g

* Substituting one daily meal of an energy restricted diet with a meal replacement contributes to the maintenance of weight after weight loss

* When using Formula 1 meal replacement shakes for the purposes of weight control or weight management, please check carefully the instructions on the product label.


Start your day with a healthy breakfast



Formula 1 shake

A low-calorie, healthy breakfast alternative.

  • Calorie-controlled with 220kcal per serving.
  • Provides fibre and essential vitamins and minerals.
  • High in protein with 18g per serving.
  • Proven results to help you manage weight[1].


Formula 1 Express Bar

An on-the-go and office friendly, healthy breakfast alternative.

  • Calorie-controlled with 207 kcal per serving.
  • Excellent balance of key nutrients, including high levels of protein (13g) and added vitamins and minerals.
  • 32% of your recommended daily fibre intake.


Formula 1 Sport

A healthy breakfast alternative ideal for athletes.

  • Calorie-controlled with 219kcal per serving.
  • Additional protein intake (18g) with the adequate quality (Casein and Whey protein) to encourage muscle building and maintenance.
  • Vitamins C, E and selenium help to protect the body’s cells from oxidative stress.

*When using Formula 1 meal replacement shakes/bars for the purposes of weight control or weight management, please check carefully the instructions on the product label


Instant Herbal Beverage

  • 85mg of caffeine per serving to help increase alertness when you need it most.
  • Low calorie – approx. 6kcal per serving.
  • Can be enjoyed hot or cold.

Herbal Aloe Concentrate Drink

  • Refreshing tropical taste to help you achieve the recommended fluid intake of 2-2.5 litres per day.
  • Contains 40% aloe vera juice derived from the aloe vera leaf.
  • With no added sugar.


Add Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder

  • Rich in soy and whey protein, Personalised Protein Powder is a quick and easy way to boost your Formula 1 shake with an extra 5g protein per scoop.

Add Oat Apple Fibre Drink

  • Delicious mixed with water or added to Formula 1 shakes, each Oat Apple Fibre Drink serving provides 5g fibre and only 15kcals.

Add Herbalifeline

  • Herbalifeline is a daily food supplement with Omega-3s to help maintain a healthy heart.
  • EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart.

Add Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex

  • A daily multivitamin containing over 15 vitamins and minerals, including zinc, calcium and vitamins A, C and E.

Ready to challenge yourself to a healthy breakfast? Ask your member now and start to feel the benefits!


[1] Flechtner-Mors, M.B.O Boehm, et al. (2010). Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews 26(5): 393-405.

Chocolate berry shake – 245 Kcal


Ready to challenge yourself to a healthy breakfast?

Ask me now and start to feel the benefits!

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